Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Venezuela Conflict

Venezuela`s conflict is growing each day, with protesters fighting for their country`s freedom and improvement, the government is getting more aggressive against protesters with weapons and armed trucks. As a Al Jazeera news describe "Thousand of troops clear the structures with bulldozers and armed vehicles in sunday" (Al Jazeera). This means how aggressive the government is getting against the people and how the army could fire against the people at any time. This is very scary because in any second there could be many casualties and people don`t know when the government will get tired and start firing at people. Students are very brave for keeping the protests, even when the government is fighting with dangerous weapons and killing people. 

Students will not stop the protests until the can change Venezuela because they care about their country and they feel the government is damaging the country each day more. As a Al Jazeera article describes "San Cristobal has been beset with anti-Maduro demonstrations since february, when students started protesting against crime, food shortages, and rising inflation" (Al Jazeera). this means how students worry about Venezuela and their destiny because they need a change in their country. Students are the perfect class in society for protesting because they are young and worry about the county`s destiny and how it could be change by not letting Maduro`s government govern more. In conclusions students are seeking the change in their country because they feel the need the change and a new Venezuela


"Venezuela troop take back protest-torn city" Al Jazeera. Mag. web. 31/03/14. 01/04/14

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