Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The Light bulb conspiracy is a documentary about planned obsolesce which means that the products are made so they stop working in a period of time. This documentary changed my vision of consuming because things can be fixed rather than buying another one and buying a newer version of an item is not always the best option. Many things damage and immediately people just want to replace it, but most don’t know it is easier to fix it with a little dedication of time. For example in the Light Bulb conspiracy the printer of a guy named Marco was damaged, he though about buying a new one but instead he decided to look for the internet to found out how he could fix it, finally he found a software who would reseat the information of just one chip inside the printer, this cheap was programed so after some printed pages it would make the printer stop working, but by resetting the chip the printer started working again. This means that the printer was just installed to damage the printer and make the consumer buy a new one, but Marco preferred to buy a new one and instead fixed it, he was able to beat planned obsolesce. People should start to learn how to fix many items so the won`t be forced to buy a new one.
Buying a newer item is not always the best option because companies constantly take out a newer product and make consumers feel the last product is already old and useless. In light Bulb conspiracy they explain how a product is offered to consumers with newer features, better technology and improved durability, but at the same time they have a marketing campaign for older products, which make them be seen as old and out of date, this is called planned obsolesces, like apple because each day they have a new iPod, it is prettier each year because the last one should look ugly and old, so people will change the IPod. This means how companies want to control the consumer to make them buy the product and consume each time more. People should be able to control what they buy and when they want to buy it, even if the Marketing of the product suggest them to change the product. In conclusion the light bulb conspiracy is a good documentary because it teaches about planned obsolesces and the importance of avoiding getting into it and consuming each day more.  


Dannoritzer, Cosima. "Pyramids of Waste (2010), AKA The Lightbulb Conspiracy - Planned Obsolescence Documentary." YouTube. YouTube, 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

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