Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The Light bulb conspiracy is a documentary about planned obsolesce which means that the products are made so they stop working in a period of time. This documentary changed my vision of consuming because things can be fixed rather than buying another one and buying a newer version of an item is not always the best option. Many things damage and immediately people just want to replace it, but most don’t know it is easier to fix it with a little dedication of time. For example in the Light Bulb conspiracy the printer of a guy named Marco was damaged, he though about buying a new one but instead he decided to look for the internet to found out how he could fix it, finally he found a software who would reseat the information of just one chip inside the printer, this cheap was programed so after some printed pages it would make the printer stop working, but by resetting the chip the printer started working again. This means that the printer was just installed to damage the printer and make the consumer buy a new one, but Marco preferred to buy a new one and instead fixed it, he was able to beat planned obsolesce. People should start to learn how to fix many items so the won`t be forced to buy a new one.
Buying a newer item is not always the best option because companies constantly take out a newer product and make consumers feel the last product is already old and useless. In light Bulb conspiracy they explain how a product is offered to consumers with newer features, better technology and improved durability, but at the same time they have a marketing campaign for older products, which make them be seen as old and out of date, this is called planned obsolesces, like apple because each day they have a new iPod, it is prettier each year because the last one should look ugly and old, so people will change the IPod. This means how companies want to control the consumer to make them buy the product and consume each time more. People should be able to control what they buy and when they want to buy it, even if the Marketing of the product suggest them to change the product. In conclusion the light bulb conspiracy is a good documentary because it teaches about planned obsolesces and the importance of avoiding getting into it and consuming each day more.  


Dannoritzer, Cosima. "Pyramids of Waste (2010), AKA The Lightbulb Conspiracy - Planned Obsolescence Documentary." YouTube. YouTube, 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fall of the USA Empire

Fall of the USA Empire

USA empire have grown for many years, each time it is getting bigger and bigger, but also each day it is disintegrating and it is being affected by the huge economy of the same empire. One reason the empire is falling is because the inflation is getting bigger each time in the country. As Tarek El Diwany said “what a bank actually does, but a commercial bank does is to create money out of nothing” (Four Horsemen 18:17). This means that the banks are creating money so they can lend it to the people in a high interest, so they create money, leaned it and win out of people`s money. The bank are producing unfair money because people think they get the money out of other people that really put it in the bank, but instead the bank is just producing out of nothing, each day more. The inflation gets bigger because there is more money in circulation, and devaluation of the money.

USA controls most of the world`s economy, so if the empire falls down many country would also be affected in many different ways. One of the biggest implications it will have for other countries is the lack of trade through the world, because they will not have anything to trade, so they money would not be in circulation and most of the countries would not have a big buyer of supplier. In Colombia with the TLC, the country would be affected because the trade would stop and the products we receive from USA would stop being available. Contemplating the fall of USA Empire is important because this would prevent many people on relying in USA economy.

Most of the people in the world rely on USA economy, which is a problem because if the economy falls, many countries and companies would fall with it. It is important to contemplate it because investing on USA or lawing them would end up being in a loss of money and opportunities. For example if someone invests in a company who relies on USA economy and the economy falls, not only the company would be affected, but all of the investors in these company, many of the investors would become in depth and with no money. As depth is described in Four Horsemen “(depth) is a for of slavery, but how much do we question our depth?” (Four Horsemen 1:38:53)This means that depth is dangerous, and relying on USA economy and they being in depth is very dangerous for the people.


Ashcroft, Megan, Jason Whitmore, and Ross Ashcroft. "Four Horsemen- Official Version." YouTube. YouTube, 13 Sept. 2013. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Monetary System in Colombia

The monetary system in Colombia is a system that controls inflation, payment balance, monetary distribution and credit policy, a board of directors and owners constructs it. The board of director control de actions taken in the in the monetary system, like money creation or loans, the owners or the users are the ones who control the money and are those who move it and work for it. As Inocencio Melendez describes  “En Colombia desde 1923, el Banco de la República, junto con su Junta Directiva es el encargado de la política monetaria nacional, para el control de la inflación, la balanza de pagos, emisión de monedas y la política crediticia.” (Melendez 2013). This means that the board of directors control de actions of “El Banco de la Republica” and prevents the inflation and other factors that are a thread to the economy in Colombia. The “Banco de la Republica” have policies who seek for the good in society. As “El Banco de la Republica” describes the policies: reducer las disparidades regionales en Colombia, efectividad de la politica de prestamista, evitar la inflacion. These policies avoid a disaster in the monetary system in Colombia because they are a well-constructed structure to avoid failing.

The monetary system in Colombia has similarities and differences with the monetary system in the USA. A difference is inflation because Colombia has an inflation percentage of 1.94% of inflation, which has been the lowest in years. The similarity of both monetary system is how that they prevent inflation of their countries, the difference is the system they use to prevent and avoid inflation. The monetary system in Colombia is well organized and developed, with the help of the government and “El Banco de la Republica.”

"Politica Economica." Banco De La República (Banco Central De Colombia). N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Rodriguez Uribe, Ernesto. "Con Un 1,94%, Colombia Registra La Inflación Más Baja De Los Países Ripe." La República. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Melendez Julio, Inocencio. "Análisis Del Sistema Monetario En Colombia. Inocencio Meléndez Julio." SlideShare. N.p., 09 Mar. 2013. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

photo credit:http://sistema-monetario.blogspot.com/

Fractional Reserve Banking System

The fractional reserve system is a system who is supposed to control USA inflation, but each day it is creating a lot of inflation who affects society because prices become higher so the gap between poor and rich is getting bigger each day. The wealth gap is described in society by Zeigeist Addendum “In a world were 1% of the population owns 40% of the planet`s wealth, in a world were 34,000 children die every single day of poverty and preventable diseases and were 50% of the population lives with 2 dollars a day” (Zeigeist Addendum min 5:51). This means how the gap in society is growing each day because of inflation, who is produced by USA`s monetary system, were they create a lot of money each day. People are dying each day from hunger, while the rich is buying a lot of unimportant things, and the monetary system is putting each day more and more money in circulation, which only add price to basic things like food and housing. The monetary system is also a system that depth`s USA with the Federal Reserve using “bonds”.

The federal Reserve works with USA by trading bonds for money paper, who are instruments of depth. According to Zeigeist Addendum “The money was created out of depth” (Zeigeist Addendum min 9:16). This means how the USA makes money out of depth by giving the bonds to the Federal Reserve, who is something used to assure depth. USA is entering each time more and more in depth that is a problem because they can only pay with the money who is in circulation so it is very hard for the USA to pay something that is produced out of depth. In conclusion the monetary system is a system who affects the USA if it is not welled controlled.


ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM | 2008 (HD). Dir. Peter Joshep. ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM | 2008 (HD). YOUTUBE, 28 Dec. 2008. Web. 4 Apr. 2014.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Venezuela Conflict

Venezuela`s conflict is growing each day, with protesters fighting for their country`s freedom and improvement, the government is getting more aggressive against protesters with weapons and armed trucks. As a Al Jazeera news describe "Thousand of troops clear the structures with bulldozers and armed vehicles in sunday" (Al Jazeera). This means how aggressive the government is getting against the people and how the army could fire against the people at any time. This is very scary because in any second there could be many casualties and people don`t know when the government will get tired and start firing at people. Students are very brave for keeping the protests, even when the government is fighting with dangerous weapons and killing people. 

Students will not stop the protests until the can change Venezuela because they care about their country and they feel the government is damaging the country each day more. As a Al Jazeera article describes "San Cristobal has been beset with anti-Maduro demonstrations since february, when students started protesting against crime, food shortages, and rising inflation" (Al Jazeera). this means how students worry about Venezuela and their destiny because they need a change in their country. Students are the perfect class in society for protesting because they are young and worry about the county`s destiny and how it could be change by not letting Maduro`s government govern more. In conclusions students are seeking the change in their country because they feel the need the change and a new Venezuela


"Venezuela troop take back protest-torn city" Al Jazeera. Mag. web. 31/03/14. 01/04/14

Food INC in Today`s Economy

Food Inc influence.

US food Inc are influencing the world with their product, also the economy and the government of each country, big corporations influence on government decisions and actions towards economics. Also economic Hit man influenced economics and politics by entering into under development countries and using them for personal purposes. Both influence economics because they lead economics and decide the fait of it. As a Food Inc`s description says "Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own enviroment." (Documentary Addict). This means how the corporations decide and control what people consume and how much each thing costs, also economic hit man control what the countries have in their market, what they can have and what they can`t have.  the companies and economic hit man also tend to control the government politics and decisions for the corporations good. 

Both control politics and society, because company`s make lots of money while they pay low taxes to the workers, as well as both affect on how their product is sent to the people, with out thinking on consumers and how they are affected. As Willy Blackmore says "workers at chains like McDonald’s have gathered in front of locations around the country to chant that they can’t survive on $7.25." (Blackmore). this means how they the big corporations control the workers, affecting them on low wages and long hours of work. As well economic hit man control the workers by paying little cash to workers of other countries, like china, while they work for long hours in bad conditions. Food Inc and Economic Hit Man control everything from social, political and economic issues.


"Food Inc" Documentary Addict. n.d. web. 01/04/14

BlackMore, Willy. "Low-wage workers al macdonalds say they dont even get the minimum." Take part. Mag. March 13, 2014. April 01, 2014.