Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What is the real meaning of race?

What is Race? #1

Every body knows what some one means when race is mentioned, but can people really define race? can people say what is their real race? Race is hard to define and to get to a conclusion of what is really race. Many people think race is determined by the skin colour, others by biological traits, others by heritage, and others by physical traits. 

Race have become a fact used to classify people and divide society, the same society that is divided, is the society that created race. As Augustin Fuentes said "Societies, like in the USA, construct racial classifications, not as a unit of biology, but as ways to lump together groups of people with varying historical, linguistic, ethnic, religious, or other backgrounds" (Fuentes). this quote means how society have created race for racial classification, but it is not about biology but about grouping people. It is hard to understand how society is able to separate its self in races, instead of thinking in equality. People have a wrong idea of the "black race."

People through years have thought that being black is inferior and there is no other race rather than being black. Fuentes explains how "There is more genetic variation in the diverse populations from the continent of Africa (who some would lump into a “black” category) than exists in ALL populations from outside of Africa (the rest of the world) combined!" (Fuentes) this means how Black generic and "race" is very different to many other "races" through the world. Genetics can not define the race because genetics nowadays are very mixed and not defined. Race is a hard word to define because of its different meanings and points of view.

Fuentes, Augustin. "Race Is Real…But Not in the Way Many People Think" Psychology today. April 9, 2012. web. March 19, 2014

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