Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Venezuela`s Conflict

Venezuela In Crisis

Venezuela is a country in Latin America which is in a big conflict, the people is fighting against the government because of the corruption and bad ruling. As Daniel Wallis says in an article "A pregnant woman was shot dead near Caracas and a soldier was killed in the western state of Merida, officials said, as the death toll from weeks of anti-government protests in Venezuela rose to 36 on Monday." (Wallis 2014). this means how people is dying in the protests, from February 14 to March 26, 36 people have died during protests. Most of the deaths are committed by the officials and army, because they think they have power with a gun. People are fighting for many reasons, and even if they die, they believe they die for a good and important reason. 

People are shot to death in Venezuela, they try to fight against the government because they believe a change could be made in their country and government. As Wallis explains in his article "The demonstrators want political change and an end to high inflation, shortages of basic foods, and one of the highest rates of violent crime in the world." (Wallis 2014). People are dying not only from shots during protests, but also of hunger, and violent crimes because there is no security in the streets. Venezuela`s government is more worried about making them selfs money than improving their country or developing it, Venezuela`s rules should not be so corrupt and worry more about the country than them selfs. In conclusion the revolutions in Venezuela are for good and a change in society and government, a transition from corruption to a better future. 

Venezuela Protests


Willis, Daniel. "Death tool in Venezuela protest rises to 36 after pregnant woman and soldier are killed." Global Post. March 24, 2014. Web. March 26, 2014.

Economic Hit Man in today´s society

Economic Hit Man

the economic hit mans are people who persuade Country leaders to let USA go into their country and exploit them, so USA could make profit out of them and also receive economical, military and political help. One economical hit man practice is Venezuela in Chavez regime because economic Chavez privatised Venezuela´s oil, so USA companies could not make profit out of it. As John Perkins confesses "The next day, I talked with an old friend who for many years had been involved with the jackals........... He told me that a private contractor had approached him to foment strikes in Caracas and to bribe military officers — many of whom had been trained at the School of the Americas — to turn against their elected president" (Perkins 197). Perkins is explaining how USA was able to conduct a revolution in Venezuela so the own people could get Chavez out of the presidency. This shows how the economic hit mans were able to persuade not only the government but also the people to do what the want them to do, also how the USA will do anything to take out a president who will not follow their orders and desires. Venezuela is not the only country who have been involved with economic hit mans and USA imperialism, also many other countries in Latin America.

Panama is another case of EHM, USA wanted the canal on their power but president Omar Torrijos will not give away the canal or the country. As Perkins explains "Torrijos was in for a difficult and
perhaps even tragic time" (Perkins 62). Torrijos was standing on USA`s way to obtain the power of the canal, which USA didn`t like it, so he was running the risk of being killed by the CIA jackals. Torrijos just wanted the best for his country and to help it, but because the USA didn`t what Torrijos to protect the country, just the canal profit, they were going to kill him, and they did it. In conclusion USA is working on expanding their empire by taking advantage of developing countries. 

Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. New York: Plume, 2006. Print.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What is happening in Venezuela? With Dr. Juan Jose Daboub

Venezuela`s Conflict

The conflict in Venezuela is rising each day more and more. Many people in the world is starting to worry about it because no body knows how it will end up. It is very scary how Dr. Daboud explained "15,000 companies are being close by the government" (Daboud). This explains how the government is privatising almost all the country. Dr. Daboud also explains how the students are feeling about Venezuela "they do not see opportunities in the horizon" (Daboud). this explains how worried the students are about the future of Venezuela, that is why the revolution is happening.

What is the real meaning of race?

What is Race? #1

Every body knows what some one means when race is mentioned, but can people really define race? can people say what is their real race? Race is hard to define and to get to a conclusion of what is really race. Many people think race is determined by the skin colour, others by biological traits, others by heritage, and others by physical traits. 

Race have become a fact used to classify people and divide society, the same society that is divided, is the society that created race. As Augustin Fuentes said "Societies, like in the USA, construct racial classifications, not as a unit of biology, but as ways to lump together groups of people with varying historical, linguistic, ethnic, religious, or other backgrounds" (Fuentes). this quote means how society have created race for racial classification, but it is not about biology but about grouping people. It is hard to understand how society is able to separate its self in races, instead of thinking in equality. People have a wrong idea of the "black race."

People through years have thought that being black is inferior and there is no other race rather than being black. Fuentes explains how "There is more genetic variation in the diverse populations from the continent of Africa (who some would lump into a “black” category) than exists in ALL populations from outside of Africa (the rest of the world) combined!" (Fuentes) this means how Black generic and "race" is very different to many other "races" through the world. Genetics can not define the race because genetics nowadays are very mixed and not defined. Race is a hard word to define because of its different meanings and points of view.

Fuentes, Augustin. "Race Is Real…But Not in the Way Many People Think" Psychology today. April 9, 2012. web. March 19, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekend 2: Venezuela Conflict

Venezuela`s distress call

On this youtube video the conflict in Venezuela is summarised and explained step by step, from the beginning to the end. Venezuela has been a disaster this month, it all started on february 12 when students decided to protest against the government, the stores were empty, the health care was bad and the corruption was big from the last years. The first days of the conflict, the police started to shoot at the pacific protesters, believing it will stop the protesting, but one people were killed, protesters decided to keep up the protests. the protest organiser was arrested by the police for supposedly starting civil disorder. The prostests haven`t ended because the people from venezuela know the chances of a change in their country, even if some lives got to be paid, or even if the police abuses of their power.