Sunday, May 4, 2014


Felipe Caballero Loza
Miss. Sierra, Mr. Patterson
Social Studies, British Literature

Now What? Manifesto

School is already done and there is a lot I will take from it, it was one of the most important phases in my life, I learned so much from writing essays to having my own idea about everything. I also learned how to solve algebra problems or how the body works and its different parts. But most important I learned how important is the people surrounding me. I have met too many people during this 13 or 14 years of my life, most of them left a mark in me, I learned something from them and made me a better person, it might not be academically but shaped me as a person.  The first event that shaped me was in middle school when I met a teacher called Miss. Gladys, who was a strict but dedicated and passionate teacher, she was known for her bad temper, but students (including me) didn’t knew how much she cared about us, she was able to teach me the importance of studying and dedicating time to homework and school, I realized how important was teaching, how hard it is but how their love for the students and teaching made it look easy.  In high school 10th grade was a hard year because I felt in laziness and bad behavior, I lost the school year, this year I realized how a student is not invincible and that a big error will cost more than what I could imagine. Today I am able to say that failing the school year was the best it could happen to me, I meet new people, changed as a person and improved academically. These events through my school life are a proof that I studied and raised my self in the best place I could ever been, with so much people I love, and with people that always cared about me.

Now it is the end of my senior year and here I am writing a manifesto who would make me realize what will my future depend on, were will I go and who will I meet in my road to success? I could leave this questions for later, but once I have the diplomas in my hand the most important and ironic question will be, NOW WHAT? I know I have many goals to succeed before I graduate, during university and after university. Before I graduate my goals are: passing the school year with my grades clean, finding a good university, resting before university, and enjoying the time I have left with my family, friends and girlfriend. During university my main goals are: studding what I love to study, dedicating time to the university, having great grades, and meting new people who would help me through university. After university my main goals are: having a job, self sustaining myself, dedicating time to my family, meet with long lasting friendships, and having a great family. Thinking about these goals is important to feel the motivation for completing them because without motivation there is nothing that would push me to completing these goals. My main motivation is my family because the have always been the reason why I have been successful, they have always supported me in my decisions, and I know in the future they will also support my decisions and will help me in the hardest events. Another motivation is my hunger for success because all of my life I have seen how my parents were successful by working hard and doing things with dedication, but most of all with honor and always doing the right thing.

I have always wanted to study international business administration, which is my passion. Encouraged and presented by my mom back in days, motivated by my mathematics teachers and my family. I also got in love with international business since we started to look at international problems and the imperialism of USA through the world, I got interested in how the global economy work and how can a business expand internationally depending in the economy. After I graduate I will be able to work and gain money, during my life I was teach by my parents and teachers to save money and not spend it in simple things so thanks to this years I will be able to be a successful professional. Being a international business administrator I will be able to change the world because I will work on expanding the economy and working with big companies so they could help under developing countries, which is important because the most stable economy is when all the economies are developed and strong. Another plan on changing the world is giving a part of what I will produce, a small drop of help in the world will help people who needs it, I also consider that the wealth is for people to share it with the ones who need it the most. in life the risk of failing is always an important factor, I should be able to avoid the risk of failing by studying hard in university, working with honesty and always helping others. The biggest risk in international business is not being able to expand the business which is a risk that every administrator takes, but with good knowledge and good ethic of work I will be able to avoid the risk, the most important thing about risk confront it because the most successful people are the ones who take risk and are able to avoid the failure.

In conclusion I have lived a lot, and there is more to live but with the bases I got from school, I will be able to go out and confront the world with strength and intelligence, always thinking for my family and with honesty. The most important thing in a person is his humanity and how he is able to help others without wanting something back. My final goal before leave this world is to be with my loved ones, because I will not leave with my wealth, I will leave with memories and love. I will always be thankful with the school and class mates because they shaped me for the person I am today. This inspiring quote is for my family, school and friends in my life “Ahh, home let me come home, home is when ever I’m with you.” I will always remember the school as my home and as one of the most important things in my life, because thanks to the school I am the person I am today.
Sharpe, Edward. Home. Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros. Rec. 07 July 2009. Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros, 2009. MP3.